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Farming Feasts & Cauldrons for Raid Progression


Providing feasts and cauldrons for raid progression is a lot work. Officer Hotchick farms for three hours every Monday, from 1:00 - 4:00 pm server -- fishing, herbing and skinning! She not only organizes our guild bank, but also ensures we have the necessary mats available, so we can provide feasts and cauldrons on raid nights. This is an extraordinary amount of work, so Join Officer Hotchick for an afternoon of farming and fishing, as many hands make light work! Since we all enjoy the flasks and feasts, we kindly ask all raiders to contribute. If you cannot attend her event, either send her mats or deposit in the "Feasts and Flasks" tab in the guild bank. All donations are greatly appreciated.    


Farming with Officer Hotchick

  • Day: Monday

  • Time: 1:00 - 4:00 pm server

  • Requirements:

    • must have Discord -- link provided in-game

  • If interested, sign-up on the in-game calendar or contact Officer Hotchick

Additional Requirements for All Events 

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